Welcome! Baby isn't sleeping?? Try this...
So your a mommy and your not getting ANY sleep. Your baby is waking up all the hours of the night to eat, be changed or what have you! Your saying HELP ME!!!
Here's some tips for you... First, go sit somewhere comfy turn that darn phone off so you can concentrate!!!!!
Age really matter A LOT when it comes to sleeping babies.
NEWBORN: Sorry you won't be getting much sleep for a little while but here's how to make it a little easier...
Newborn Tip:
- Nurse/Bottle feed as much as you can before bed. Just stuff them as much as you can without making them barf... so like 4-6oz bottles and 2-4 nursings
-BATHS! No matter how much they cry in the bath do it every night. Her crying makes her more tired (THATS GOOD!) I know it's sad but she's alright she needs to get clean. Your thinking wait... the DR said..... okay bathing a child will not hurt them. If her skin is getting dry just do a warm soak and put lotion on her after.
-Place baby in bed with you! Make sure that baby is only wearing diaper and no heavy blankets. They can over heat. (Try not to make this a habit but if it works for you then keep doing it.) Once baby starts waking up more in your bed that means its time to move her to the crib.
-Try this for about a month
2-4 Months Tip:
-Feed the crap out of baby. No barfing though.
-Bath time! They love it now right?!
-Baby should be in crib by now. A good way to make that switch and find a soft t-shirt, sleep in for a few days, put it in crib and lay baby on top! (mmmmm I smell mommy) if you are breastfeeding save the breast pads (cloth) that have leaked milk and put those in crib... yea it works wonders!!!
-Intro to the plug... or pacifier if your child is a huge sucker. If they go to sleep but spit the plug out and wake up... no plug... its just making sleep time worse.
-Keep that rhythm, always eating, same time of day they are "in bed" even if they aren't sleeping, rocking them to sleep or whatever, keep doing it at the same time of day.
-You will still be getting up to feed but it should be a lot less.
-If they are still getting up a lot at 4 months... next step :]
5-8 Months Tip:
-Solids help!! Keep feeding!!
-Bath time! Make it fun, make it long, every night at about the same time.
-If your baby still isn't sleeping... Now is the hard part. You need to put them down in their crib...CRIB SHOULD BE OUT OF THE YOUR ROOM... and close the door and DON'T OPEN IT.
-Don't open it. They are fine. They are at the age now that they know you have not left them for good! I promise.
-They WILL SCREAM for about 1-2 1/2 hours. Then it will be silent. They have gone to sleep!!!
-But your ears are bleeding and you feel horrible. WELL DON'T YOU NEED YOUR SLEEP. If you don't get sleep you are at much higher risk of getting sick, postpartum depression can start to creep in! You need sleep in order to take care of your baby and yourself.
-So go outside and shut the door and wait till baby is asleep.
-Do this till baby sleeps through the night!! (About 2-3 days) It can very for each baby.
Sleep Tip:
-You need sleep and baby really really needs sleep to grow and develop. Lack of sleep can lead to complications... look it up if you don't believe me! But sleep is very important for weight gain, brain development, relaxing, pretty much everything!
If your still having trouble getting that little one to sleep. Or maybe you have older kiddos and want to know more about sleeping tips! Contact me on Facebook and we can get to the bottom of it!!