Thursday, April 30, 2015

Laundry List

Still on week 4! And my "laundry list" is getting BIG! It's a good thing though, it means everything is moving in the right direction. I got my business packet to really get my photography biz running HOT. I also got it so ON SALE that it's not even funny! $700 originally and I got it for... $199. Yea I know, I know. Some how things just work out. Things are meant to be!

I literally have laundry to do, my sons to be exact! He's only 9 months so he's not there yet to be washing and folding his own clothes. He's supposed to be napping at the moment, but I'm hearing a lot of mouth noises and cooing coming from upstairs. He must be talking to his little hedgehog!

Back to my biz though... I'm almost done with my website and my Facebook page just needs one more fix and then its golden! But everything is viewable and I'm still looking for clients and booking shoots! So don't think that you need to wait!

Mothers day is coming up so keep your eyes open for a discount!!!

Wedding season is also right around the corner and I'm so excited to be part of everyones special day!

The biz packet that I got for $199... I haven't even gotten to take a peek at it! I've been so busy with all the other marketing they were having me do that was free. So, I'm very excited to see what this packet will teach me! Photography was a career and always a dream of mine because I never knew where to start. But this program and this CEO Alicia Caine have really helped motivate me to work hard. My husband as well is a huge supporter of this biz. We have a small family now but soon we want to have a bigger family which means we need to be bringing in more cheese! We also don't want our child/children to be in daycare, so I'm a stay at home mom. But that doesn't pay sadly, so making my photography into a career is perfect for us! Being my own boss and having my own hours are great. As much as it is hard to get things done with a baby around... it means a lot more to me that my children are being raised at home by their parents.

We are also trying really hard to go green in our house as the earth is very important to us. We are starting a little at a time. Last year for heat we only used our wood stove and it was great! We saved a lot of money and it saves oil!

I'm very family oriented and I want my business to be that way! I am concentrating most of my efforts on being a family photographer, babies, pregnancy, birth photos, birthdays, ect. Because that's who's important to me and that who my client is. But I will still be doing what I started out as a wedding and engagement photographer.

Oh and I got my newsletter going so please send me your email to sign up!!! When you sign up you get a discount! 

Kimberly Ann Photograpy Facebook Page!

Summer is almost here! I would love to hear from you about whats important to you and what does family mean to you?

Monday, April 27, 2015

Starting and Stopping 1st Blog Post!

Something happened to my first post so here it is! This was posted 4 Weeks ago...

Don't even bother reading this blog. For this is my first entry and its sure to be bird poop! I'm not even sure what it should say but I know what it should be about. Photography! Oh who gives a rats butt about that!? Well I freaking do! And it's going to become a career if Jesus comes down and gives us bread and freaking wine again! If you have made it this far I would like to thank you and ask you to please read on. I also would allow you at this time to get up and get a nice hot cup of tea or coffee because it's almost the weekend and you freaking deserve it!!



I started becoming interested in photography when my parents got our first Dell computer and it came with a free digital camera. It was a fat looking camera with a very small screen on the back but I pretty much looked and it and decided that it was mine and I would take it. 

I took it outside and just started snapping photos of flowers, stone pigs and other odd things I found lying out in the sun. I then figured out on my own how to upload the photos I had taken and started to edit them on our new Dell computer. The heavens parted at once of course and I knew this was my calling! They may even have been drums in the back ground! Needless to say I couldn't stop using the camera and putting more and more pictures on to our family computer that I crashed the hard drive completely. 

Yes. It was very upsetting.

I did have a lot of my photos printed so I didn't loose all of them but most.

High school came and went and I did lots of photography for friends, family, strangers, creepers and mostly for myself! College came and went as well. My photography wasn't really a business, at least I haven't treated it that way until now. I thought of it as a hobby. But its not that anymore its a career. 

But then I stopped. Well life started to happen for me. 2 year without picking up my cameras and closing one eye and pushing my shutter button. My camera was very hurt and didn't speak to me for a long time. I punished him by not charging his battery for weeks. He did a lot of sleeping...

I then had a home birth.

Yes you read that correct. I gave birth at home.

No I'm not a witch. No I don't wear a grass skirt.
No I love TV. Yes I like eating healthy food. Yes I like soda
I wanted a home birth yes.
We had a midwife.
My husband loved it as well.

My sons name is not a tree or brook or something else odd.

Anyways now we know that. Hows that hot drink?

So my business is starting up again! I'm a photographer again! *bells*

Check out my Facebook page and keep coming back for other odd blogs or don't and be a freaking butt hole. But I can promise you, it will be an experience. 

Kimberly Ann Photography Facebook

~Kimberly Ann Photography

Week 4?

Yes, I think its been 4 weeks! Well, I'm going to say that it has been. 

This week will be a little slower because I don't have clients and its mainly just me fixing my website and getting more hits on my Facebook page. Facebook is very interesting. We think that we know how it works. But we don't, not even close! I've been doing a lot of research on it with this program I'm doing. (Profit First Photography!) And Facebook has a lot of rules and guild lines that it follows to make posts be seen or not seen by people. 

I thought that you posted something and everyone saw it and you got to choose who saw it and such. NO! You post something and depending on how many likes or comments you get Facebook chooses where to put it in the newsfeed and how long its there and who sees it. Very interesting! For a small biz like myself... Knowing the ins and outs of Facebook really helps! But websites help a lot too. They bring a more professional side to things. I also figured out my purpose statement!

"I provide natural, professional and a high quality experience for the passionate family, to create memorable and unique photographs for the working and passionate family."
 -Kimberly Ann Photography

But my next big fence to climb over is to get my desk and work station cleaned... My photography/art desk isn't even in my home! I need to go and snag it and then clean up my nook that I will be doing all my blogging, editing, Facebooking, and emailing to my clients! But I can't even get the desk in the nook until everything is clean out and put away nice and neat like. This could and probably will take awhile since I have a 9 month old son who loves to get into pretty much anything. ( As babies love to do this) He is a grand little boy though! He likes seeing what mommy is doing with her computer and papers. He helps me by... eating important papers or wrinkling them. He gets into something yards away making it so I have to run over and get him. He's not a sitter and he's mover! He also likes helping by smashing his hands on my computer when I'm not 100% watching while he's in my lap. But he is my little honey bear and I love him to death!!

I would love to hear some of your ideas if you haven't already looked at my Facebook page or website (which is still being edited) Any feedback is good feedback because I want to grow from my mistakes and accomplishments! Wish me luck on cleaning! Kimberly Ann Photography Facebook

Oh!!! May is right around the corner or keep an eye out for a discount coming up!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Next Day...

This is still week 2.... Oh dear!

As you know if you have been keeping up with my blogs... Yea I know I don't have that many... I'M JUST STARTING OUT OKAY! Not really. I'm switching gears I guess you could say. Well from this awesome and very informative program I'm doing I thought. Thought. I got my first client last week. Not first as in of all time... but first since I have started this program. Cool! Great! So excited!

We start to converse a bit and get some information on what this person wants. It seems a little odd to me that nothing is specific and detailed that he is saying right off. Also the email that he got isn't where clients usually contact me.. Hmmm... Well it sounds like he is really interested. So I proceed.

As I go further into doing business with this person I start to notice that things aren't adding up. My lovely assistant, Adam, who is Scottish, says that this guy doesn't seem real. The client also wanted to me to do a third party transaction. Hmmmm. And when I ran some of his cards they were all declined.

Great. This client is a fraud. Great. My first client isn't real. My lovely assistant proceeds to call him and figure things out but his number doesn't really exist and he doesn't even live in NH.

During this whole process I was angry, now its pretty funny, so don't feel bad if your laughing! 

Anyhow, my processor, Square, emails me and says the credit card is stolen... Lovely!

Well it all worked out in the end because I'm not doing business with fake people and I know what they look like now!!! It was a learning experience!

Who can't tell me a time when they were starting a business and didn't have something like this happen or even just doing anything that involves someone you don't know???

I always meet my clients face to face and I didn't with this one so I bit in the end I guess. But thank the Square for telling me that this guy was no good!!!

Ahhhh so lets see what the next few days will bring with this program but other then this little bump... things are looking good! Clients are flooding my inbox but thats okay, seeing as I have a lot more work to do!

Enjoy your day fellow persons!!

Check out my Facebook page!  Kimberly Ann Photography

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 2 on my quest to make my photography into a career!! Holy cow this is an eye opener but what isn't when you put your mind to something.

The program that I'm using calls for social media to be my main source for marketing. SINCE, I haven't the foggiest on how to market... I'm taking my helps advice and doing what she tells me to do!! And it seems to be working!

I'm not as book up as I would have hopped BUT I have hope that I will get there!

I'm now trying to figure out what my type of client is and what that type of client wants. I am going to be leaning toward the new mother and mothers bucket. Meaning that I will be putting a lot of my marketing and efforts to people who have children and family that they want photos off. Also weddings. I love doing weddings they are very exciting and you even get to have fun! They also have very good food! Lets see what else... oh birth! I would love to get into birth photography!

As you know... I gave birth at home! Did you know that?! Well if you don't know that story let me know and I'll blog all about it NEXT week. Seeing as its Monday and everyone hates Monday I want to keep this blog short.

The photography is going well! I can't wait to see what next week will bring! Enjoy your night and see you next week or not if your a stinker!

Kimberly Ann Photography!