Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Next Day...

This is still week 2.... Oh dear!

As you know if you have been keeping up with my blogs... Yea I know I don't have that many... I'M JUST STARTING OUT OKAY! Not really. I'm switching gears I guess you could say. Well from this awesome and very informative program I'm doing I thought. Thought. I got my first client last week. Not first as in of all time... but first since I have started this program. Cool! Great! So excited!

We start to converse a bit and get some information on what this person wants. It seems a little odd to me that nothing is specific and detailed that he is saying right off. Also the email that he got isn't where clients usually contact me.. Hmmm... Well it sounds like he is really interested. So I proceed.

As I go further into doing business with this person I start to notice that things aren't adding up. My lovely assistant, Adam, who is Scottish, says that this guy doesn't seem real. The client also wanted to me to do a third party transaction. Hmmmm. And when I ran some of his cards they were all declined.

Great. This client is a fraud. Great. My first client isn't real. My lovely assistant proceeds to call him and figure things out but his number doesn't really exist and he doesn't even live in NH.

During this whole process I was angry, now its pretty funny, so don't feel bad if your laughing! 

Anyhow, my processor, Square, emails me and says the credit card is stolen... Lovely!

Well it all worked out in the end because I'm not doing business with fake people and I know what they look like now!!! It was a learning experience!

Who can't tell me a time when they were starting a business and didn't have something like this happen or even just doing anything that involves someone you don't know???

I always meet my clients face to face and I didn't with this one so I bit in the end I guess. But thank the Square for telling me that this guy was no good!!!

Ahhhh so lets see what the next few days will bring with this program but other then this little bump... things are looking good! Clients are flooding my inbox but thats okay, seeing as I have a lot more work to do!

Enjoy your day fellow persons!!

Check out my Facebook page!  Kimberly Ann Photography

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