A lot of people think home birth is something that was done way back when, in the fields of someone farm with the horses and goats watching. Or they think you are into witch craft or something and lastly they just fear the idea of home birth.
All of these are true. Way back when you did have your baby in the barn. There was tragedy. But there also was a lot of love and babies being born that way.
I didn't have a home birth because I wanted to have the goats watching me. I had a home birth because I feel safe and comfortable in my own home then I ever would giving birth in a hospital. I'm scared to give birth in a hospital.
Hospitals are not bad.
I still go when I'm sick.
My son goes to all his check ups and has had all his shots so far. Hospitals are very important. We need them for illness and injury. But there's one problem with what everyone is taught about the hospital, how the hospital tells us it's the only way to have a safe birth. "This is just how you do it."
You aren't given options during birth. Yea sure you can write a birth plan. Has anyones ever really worked out? Not really. Most of the time you get scared and listen to the DR. Like you should right? The DR is always right...right? Most of the time they are...
Why do you go to the hospital? Your sick or have an injury right?
Are you sick with the: pregnant?
Are your injuries: pregnant?
Pregnancy is not an illness. Pregnancy is supposed to happen. Birth is supposed to be tough. Birth is supposed to hurt. But you are not supposed to suffer during childbirth. Its supposed to be hard, yes. But your not supposed to suffer.
Movies, books, magazines, hospitals, all make childbirth look so painful, so horrible, they put so much fear! So much blood and screaming. Maybe your saying, wait that all happened to me thats how birth is!! All my girlfriends did that! Then we all had a c-section and then we had a second... thank god we don't have to go through that pain again!!
Or maybe, hey! Wait I had a great birth at the hospital! Congrats! It should be that way too! I'm happy you did. Wasn't it wonderful?
Right? That's what your thinking.
Here's what I think.
Wouldn't it be great if your experience was tough but you felt empowered after it. What if before you had your baby there was a place,a group or books! (there are books) that told you about ALL your options to give birth? Would you go? Would you read?
Would you go? To learn about childbirth how its meant to be taught? Not instilling fear. Just facts, stories, encouragement, love, understanding, breastfeeding, OPTIONS!
I would go!
My home birth was the best experience I have ever had. It was hard, it had its painful moments. I did make some load noises. And my son came out just fine and I was just fine as well. My labor was only 6 hours long. I wasn't fearful of my body giving birth. I knew that my mind didn't know how to do this but my body did so I trusted my body. I had a strong support of women and my husband with me. My midwife never treated me like I was stupid or that she knew best. I was also very healthy and fit the profile for having a home birth which is very important. Not just anyone can. Your midwife will decide if you are healthy and a good fit for home birth.
I also knew that I wanted that feeling of giving birth without medication. I knew it was the best for my son and me. The best for breastfeeding and postpartum. I knew it was supposed to be tough but it was right to go through it.
I don't want you to feel that your birth was wrong. It wasn't, I love hearing everyone birth story regardless! (Please tell me!!) I just want you to know that you have options. It can be awesome!! It's not supposed to be horror movie! Education is huge. Advocating for yourself and your baby!
My husband had he worries, like he should! But once I had my son and he experienced his first home birth he loved it! He felt that he was more a part of the birth then he could have been at the hospital! He talks about it all the time!
Home birth or not look into your options for everything. You never know what you might find!
Kimberly Jarest
Your Beginnings Photography
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