Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The many faces, or butts, of poop in a mothers day.

As a stay at home mom, you see a lot of poop. If you have a newborn you see even more poop, but if you have a toddler you see bigger poops. 

When your an exclusively breastfeeding mom you see yellow seedy poop that makes you think... Woah his little hole must be burning! If I had poop like that I would freaking out! It's also runny as hell. And the blow out are the worst thing besides nails on a chalkboard. 

If you just experienced the poop of a first time fed solid foods baby, WOW the smell in that diaper is so bad that you gag and see stars! Oh wait you can't see anything because the stink is burning your eyes!

Maybe you have an older child and the poop you get is the kind they pick up. The solid brown, with an occasional seed kind of poop. It doesn't really smell until you put their hands near your face or they stick the poop in your face!

Then there's the poop situations...

Your in target looking for a good distracting book to read so you can remember your old life! (Check out the target favorites! I've about read them all!) Your child gets that poop face and you then start to smell it. OH NO! It's the up their back and in his/her eyes poop! You act normal, and try not to cause a panic and have people running out of target thinking the septic blew. 
Once you get to the bathroom it's everywhere. You notice the trash and throw away every piece of clothing your child is wearing. The amount of wipes you use is.... the whole darn pack! Once his/her butt is shiny and the poop is safely in the trash you exit and hope know one you know saw you and decides it's okay to come over and chat. Then you look down and see poop all over the side of your thumb.

Or maybe you had an experience with animal poop and your child. They love dog poop... I'm not sure why but they see it and B-LINE IT over! Your having a great outdoor cookout with friends and family and you look over and your child is about to put dog poop into his/her mouth. NO! NO! YUCK! STOP! AHH!!! You run over and "save" your child just in time. Screaming or crying happens as you tell them, firmly, no you can't eat poop it's dirty! Don't touch. You remove your child and notice that you now have to pick up the poop some how so she/he doesn't come by for another look. EEEHHHHHHHHH. If it's your dog you kick yourself/husband for not cleaning it up! If it's your mother-in-laws house you curse under your breath... god dammit..!... 

But we still love our children no matter what kind of poop comes out of their butts! 

"Capturing your day, capturing your pregnancy, capturing your newborn"
