Thursday, May 28, 2015

Reality Check... In the Doctors Office

I hope that last weeks blog was awesome for you. This week I'm doing another reality check. 
The Doctors Office.

Everyone hates going to the doctor. We all have that fear of going in for a simple check out and coming out with Mad cow or something horrible. The waiting room is probably the worst place on earth... besides the dentist chair.

The number one rule of the doctor office is to check in. 

But a lot of people seem to have an issue with this. People who need to check in and people who work the check in window. They always ask you the same 10 questions and most of the time you want to say... LOOK nothing has changed just get me the hell out of here!! 

But there can sometimes be a line... Because someone hasn't done their research or is trying to by pass some insurance payment. Here's your reality check...

Holding up the doctors line is NOT ok. Call if you have a question!! When people go to the DR's no matter how many people are or aren't in the waiting room you ALWAYS have to wait! EVEN IF YOUR BLEEDING OUT! (go to ER) So DON'T hold up the darn line when we haven't even checked in to get the ball rolling! Because once 3 more people come in behind me/us we are ready to infect you with some illness that we have or will get just to get rid of you!

Make sure you bring all the shit you need. "...ooooohhh I forgot my insurance card..." NO NO NO NO!! YOU KNEW YOU WERE COMING GET IT TOGETHER! Because once that lady behind the window gets mad we all have a bad day.

The people behind the window can also be VERY frustratingly SLOW.
Really it's taking you this long to find my name! If you say you think you have ring worm or hives and they look at you like... I'M SORRY ARE YOU THE DR??? Just look back with... I'M SORRY DO YOU LIVE IN THE BODY? DO YOU KNOW WHOM YOUR DEALING WITH? I COULD GIVE YOU THIS "ILLNESS" IF YOU LIKE. Sometimes no words is better. 

Once the nurse finally calls your name and strip down for God knows why.... "I didn't say I had a problem with my legs... butt..." You still have to wait another 10-15 minutes just for the DR to come in for 6 minutes and tell you what you already knew or what you were fearing or that you have nothing to worry about go home and drink water. 

Thanks for all the waiting.... 

So remember get in get out. CALL if you have a question, bring ALL shit, know YOUR body and don't hold up the darn lines. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Reality Check in the... Supermarket!

So I'm going to switch gears entirely and go on a more... silly and not so business like blogging... blog. Please read on because you will be highly amused!

Reality check in the supermarket. 

Okay, everyone has to go food shopping. Unless you live on the Alaska show and you hunt for your meals... you are at the supermarket once or twice a week. If you go anymore then that... you need a reality check. (But that's for another time)
When you get out of you vehicle and head to the ENTRANCE, please head toward that sign... there is a REASON that sign was put there. SO the people coming out, the people who want to get the hell out of there and eat the damn food, can actually GET OUT OF THE STORE WITHOUT BUMPING INTO YOU. Use the signage please!
Now, when your getting your cart this is not the damn time to be checking in your purse for God knows what! If you do this you have now become that VERY annoying person who is in the way of EVERY CART! You see a cart, pick it and zoom OUT OF THE WAY. This allows the next person get their cart without having to wait for your ass to move. If you need to get your list you do this... GET CART, MOVE OUT OF WAY (sidelines) MAKE SURE YOU NOT IN THE WAY, then check your purse for shit you don't need.

Once you are in the store you begin to shop. This part is always hard for some people. I don't understand why, seeing as you come EVERY WEEK so you should have it figured out by now! But most people do this or have done it. (I have never done this, I'm Jesus.) 
So, your shopping and your going up and down the lanes looking and picking out the foods that want. You a list, remember? But in almost EVERY lane you stop... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE to look at what your buying, check your list, or just stopping! I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENS. God knows why you stopped but your blocking the damn lane and the person behind you (me) almost gooses your ass with their cart!! 
Please, if you going to stop... PULL OVER TO AS FAR AS YOU CAN GO!! Do not stop in the MIDDLE of the lane!

Oh and everyone seems to move as slow as glacier... in the supermarket. NO! That is not good enough! YOU HAVE A LIST. It should be in and out! None of this free birdin it to the supermarket!! 

But the worst of ALL, the worst! Is when you get that one lady, or man, usually it's a lady who every time you go to the next lane she is there. And every time you see her you have to smile AGAIN. And almost say in your head... ha ha hi! isn't this funny?! NO! it's not funny. It's very annoying!! 

So please remember these rules:


When shopping in the lanes, DON'T STOP, EVER, if you must pull over, WAY OVER!

Use the damn signs

Leave people the hell alone!

Okay well, have a good shopping day!

Oh this is my New Logo! What do you think???

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Progression! Gardening?

Hello everyone,

This week has been very productive and fun! I'm learning so much from this program that I can't even believe it's happening. First, my marketing has been taken to the sky is the limit route. And my website is just about done. I'm learning a lot about myself too, how to focus my time and energy. I get distracted a lot try and focus on 1,938,902 things at once! Which in the long run,  makes my work not come out the way I want it too. But this program is really helping me SEE where I need to put my efforts and how I need to do that. My time is now blocked out and I'm able to figure out what I should be doing to make things go a lot faster even though I'm taking little steps! But enough shop talk. I think I'm going to turn this blog on a its side today!

So, besides being a full-time photographer! A new hobby of mine is gardening. I have 2 going right now that badly need watering! Like, really bad! I'm hopping they don't die on me. I just replanted them from my old house. I have some plants that are from last year, but seeing as I'm NEW to gardening I going annual plants and they all but a few, meaning 2, didn't come back this year. My rose bush did! So I needed more flowers and what a cheaper way of getting them at my old house! I didn't just walk up with a shovel and start ripping at their garden... I would have done that but my family called the tenants and they said of course come by! YAya!

It's a flower garden if you haven't been following...

I also have a tree that I need to plant but want to find the perfect spot! I love gardening, the smell of the flowers and picking out where and what ones you want! The only thing I can't deal with is the snakes!!!!! EW! NOPE NOPE HATE SNAKES! They are very evil and like to scare the crap out of me when I'm watering. That's the reason why my flowers are a little dry... I don't want to see another snake.... But I need to water them because I don't want them to die, BUT I don't want to pass out from seeing a snake.

And... we have like, 23204879475 snakes here because no one wants to kill them when they see them! But that is soon changing seeing as I will be doing the killing once I get my hands on a good hoe.


Don't forget mother's day discount is still going on!! 25% off!
Like on Facebook!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mothers Day Weekend!

*Don't forget about my Mother's Day discount! Don't worry you haven't missed it; it's still going on through the WHOLE month of MAY!*

25% off a photo session! If you just got engaged or having a baby or just had a baby! You are treated to 25% off that session! Book now!

I hope that everyone had a beautiful Mother's Day! I think this holiday is one of the better ones! We should take some time and thank our mothers and be thankful that we are mothers. This Mother's Day was my first! So, it was/is a special time for me! My mother-in-law got me a beautiful plant to start my garden off this year. My husband and I are going out Friday to celebrate! The weather was also beautiful which made the day even better for me!

I think being in the US we don't have many rights of passage in our culture. A lot of other countries throw parties for events that we don't think much off. And they go all out! But here we don't have these big rights of passage, we don't celebrate them like other countries do. Mother's Day should be a big day! So should fathers day! Just your 1st one. Not everything single one because that could get pricey! But! Celebrating you taking care of your family and starting your family! Thats big beans!!! Go you! Go me!

Anyway, I hope that your Mother's Day was grand and make sure not to forget Father's Day too!

I went to my info session in MA and it went great! I think that it is something I really want to get into the network my biz.... But it did have a lot of DO's that won't fit in with my schedule. My family is first! But I know it's something I need to look more into! ( check it out!)

It's wedding season so lets sit down and have some tea or ice cream!! And chat about your big day!! Kimberly Ann Photography  

                                    Like me on Facebook!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


You know when your worried, everything that you planned to do goes right out the window? I mean you can't think of what you were going to do because your worried?

That's me right now.


Can't remember a thing.

I had this great blog idea that I getting all excited about for most of the day! But now I can't think of it because something else is worrying me. It's not a big deal, really, I'm just a mother so anything that has to do with my child worries me. 

But I do remember that I wanted to tell you all, that I'm planning to send out these blogs at least 2 twice a week. I feel once isn't enough when I keep posting the link... But if you feel it's too much or not enough please let me know!

I have a pretty busy week. Tomorrow I wan't to get all if not most of module #1 done! My "office" is all set up, which feels much better! It's not a huge wooden desk that some president owned, it's just a simple desk... an art desk... that has a printer and my trusty mac book pro. It could use a better chair... but that's not that important. All my clients have their own slot in my binder and pretty soon I want to get them all onto my computer! Go paperless! But I need an iPad to do that... some day! That's tomorrow!

But Friday is going to be very exciting!! I'm going to a Visitors Day for the Merrimack Valley Referral Chapter. I friend of mine saw that I'm getting my biz back up and running and said they are looking for a photographer. I guess they do a lot of networking! Which is perfect! This will be mainly information and giving out my biz card, (which I spiffed up) and meeting the other people involved. Its great how things can fall into place! 

I'm hopping this really opens some doors for me.

This weekend I'm planning to rest. Seeing as I think I'm getting a cold and I'm going to a baby expo on Saturday. Those are awesome! I always find great products and home made items for my son. All natural is the way to go! I'm hoping the lady with the awesome bibs is there! Ask me about them if your interested! They are THE BEST BIBS EVER!

I would LOVE some feedback on my blogging so please leave a comment.. or 2!

Don't forget my mothers day discount (25%off) is going on and to sign up for my newsletter!

Happy evening! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

A day in the sun

This is my first day on the photography packet and I'm out enjoying the sun! Don't worry I did a good chunk this morning! 

Relaxing is important. It gives us time to think and regroup. I use it to go over stuff within my business. I also have a juciey magazine and some strawberries! 

Photography is a way I express myself. A way I relieve stress. (Don't worry this will be short and sweet) 
But that's not how I want my photography to be now. It's my career. Yes it gives me joy, but I need to find a new stress release.

And I think I have! Sitting in the sun with a magazine, tanning and enjoying the birds! 

So go out and find your stress relief! Enjoy your summer! Live a little! Relax a little! 

Kimberly Ann Photography