Sunday, May 17, 2015

Progression! Gardening?

Hello everyone,

This week has been very productive and fun! I'm learning so much from this program that I can't even believe it's happening. First, my marketing has been taken to the sky is the limit route. And my website is just about done. I'm learning a lot about myself too, how to focus my time and energy. I get distracted a lot try and focus on 1,938,902 things at once! Which in the long run,  makes my work not come out the way I want it too. But this program is really helping me SEE where I need to put my efforts and how I need to do that. My time is now blocked out and I'm able to figure out what I should be doing to make things go a lot faster even though I'm taking little steps! But enough shop talk. I think I'm going to turn this blog on a its side today!

So, besides being a full-time photographer! A new hobby of mine is gardening. I have 2 going right now that badly need watering! Like, really bad! I'm hopping they don't die on me. I just replanted them from my old house. I have some plants that are from last year, but seeing as I'm NEW to gardening I going annual plants and they all but a few, meaning 2, didn't come back this year. My rose bush did! So I needed more flowers and what a cheaper way of getting them at my old house! I didn't just walk up with a shovel and start ripping at their garden... I would have done that but my family called the tenants and they said of course come by! YAya!

It's a flower garden if you haven't been following...

I also have a tree that I need to plant but want to find the perfect spot! I love gardening, the smell of the flowers and picking out where and what ones you want! The only thing I can't deal with is the snakes!!!!! EW! NOPE NOPE HATE SNAKES! They are very evil and like to scare the crap out of me when I'm watering. That's the reason why my flowers are a little dry... I don't want to see another snake.... But I need to water them because I don't want them to die, BUT I don't want to pass out from seeing a snake.

And... we have like, 23204879475 snakes here because no one wants to kill them when they see them! But that is soon changing seeing as I will be doing the killing once I get my hands on a good hoe.


Don't forget mother's day discount is still going on!! 25% off!
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