Reality check in the supermarket.
Okay, everyone has to go food shopping. Unless you live on the Alaska show and you hunt for your meals... you are at the supermarket once or twice a week. If you go anymore then that... you need a reality check. (But that's for another time)
When you get out of you vehicle and head to the ENTRANCE, please head toward that sign... there is a REASON that sign was put there. SO the people coming out, the people who want to get the hell out of there and eat the damn food, can actually GET OUT OF THE STORE WITHOUT BUMPING INTO YOU. Use the signage please!
Now, when your getting your cart this is not the damn time to be checking in your purse for God knows what! If you do this you have now become that VERY annoying person who is in the way of EVERY CART! You see a cart, pick it and zoom OUT OF THE WAY. This allows the next person get their cart without having to wait for your ass to move. If you need to get your list you do this... GET CART, MOVE OUT OF WAY (sidelines) MAKE SURE YOU NOT IN THE WAY, then check your purse for shit you don't need.
Once you are in the store you begin to shop. This part is always hard for some people. I don't understand why, seeing as you come EVERY WEEK so you should have it figured out by now! But most people do this or have done it. (I have never done this, I'm Jesus.)
So, your shopping and your going up and down the lanes looking and picking out the foods that want. You a list, remember? But in almost EVERY lane you stop... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE to look at what your buying, check your list, or just stopping! I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENS. God knows why you stopped but your blocking the damn lane and the person behind you (me) almost gooses your ass with their cart!!
Please, if you going to stop... PULL OVER TO AS FAR AS YOU CAN GO!! Do not stop in the MIDDLE of the lane!
Oh and everyone seems to move as slow as glacier... in the supermarket. NO! That is not good enough! YOU HAVE A LIST. It should be in and out! None of this free birdin it to the supermarket!!
But the worst of ALL, the worst! Is when you get that one lady, or man, usually it's a lady who every time you go to the next lane she is there. And every time you see her you have to smile AGAIN. And almost say in your head... ha ha hi! isn't this funny?! NO! it's not funny. It's very annoying!!
So please remember these rules:
When shopping in the lanes, DON'T STOP, EVER, if you must pull over, WAY OVER!
Use the damn signs
Leave people the hell alone!
Okay well, have a good shopping day!
Oh this is my New Logo! What do you think???
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