Wednesday, September 9, 2015


When you hear this word what pops in your head? Have you ever met someone who is a surrogate? What does it mean to you? 

I don't remember the first time I heard about surrogacy, I have never met anyone who was a surrogate mother. But that hasn't stopped me from learning about what a surrogate mother does. 

This isn't something you take lightly, this isn't something I take lightly. But what do you do when something keeps popping into your head? You keep looking into it. 

I'm not saying this is something I doing. It's not the right time. And I don't think it ever will be. And that's okay. 

I think I have this urge to know more about surrogacy because I love birth and pregnancy. Not for the looks or gimics but because it's something no one has to teach me, no one can take it away or tell me I'm doing it wrong. I love it because I just get to watch life start and begin. 

I get the blessing of carrying a soul and keep it safe until it's ready to join us. 

But some women can't do that. And that is probably the most horrible thing ever. Yes there's adoption and IVF. But sometimes they don't work. Or you just want a baby that's part of you and that's perfectly fine because we are made to want that. That's why we create children from ourselves. 

I think if you have ever had a interest in anything, look into it. I've looked into it and it's beautiful but it's not for me. But now I don't have to always wonder... What if... 


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Apple Orchards in New Hampshire!

To go with my apple theme for this month, I wanted to put together all the popular apple orchard in New Hampshire! 
This month I'm offering a mini session at your nearest apple orchard! Lots of families and couples love their picture taken among the apple trees. To learn more about my mini session go here. 

Apple Orchards in New Hampshire!

1) Apple Annie -Pick-Your-Own, Cider Donuts, Sweet Cider and more!
    Brentwood, NH

2) Apple Crest Farm Orchards - This one has A LOT to offer and its not just apples!
   Hampton Falls, NH

3) Apple Hill Farm - They offer apples, corn, jellies and more!
   Concord, NH

4) Blueberry Bay Farm- They have lots of fruits! 
    Stratham, NH 03885

5) Cardigan Mountain Orchard - They are all about apples!
    Alexandria, NH

6) McLeod Bros. Orchards - Family owned for over 60 years! WOW!!
   Milford, NH

7) Lavoie Farm - No Picture but looks nice! 
   Hollis, NH 

8) Durocher Farm- This farm has history! 
    Litchfield, NH 

9) Windy Ridge Orchard & Christmas Tree Farm - Apples, trees and a cafe!
    North Haverhill, NH

10) Norway Hill Orchard- My orchard!
    Hancock, NH

Enjoy your apple picking this year!! Want an apple session? Go here!



Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Your not getting any sleep!!!

Welcome! Baby isn't sleeping?? Try this...

So your a mommy and your not getting ANY sleep. Your baby is waking up all the hours of the night to eat, be changed or what have you! Your saying HELP ME!!!
Here's some tips for you... First, go sit somewhere comfy turn that darn phone off so you can concentrate!!!!!

Age really matter A LOT when it comes to sleeping babies. 
NEWBORN: Sorry you won't be getting much sleep for a little while but here's how to make it a little easier...

Newborn Tip:
- Nurse/Bottle feed as much as you can before bed. Just stuff them as much as you can without making them barf... so like 4-6oz bottles and 2-4 nursings 
-BATHS! No matter how much they cry in the bath do it every night. Her crying makes her more tired (THATS GOOD!) I know it's sad but she's alright she needs to get clean. Your thinking wait... the DR said..... okay bathing a child will not hurt them. If her skin is getting dry just do a warm soak and put lotion on her after. 
-Place baby in bed with you! Make sure that baby is only wearing diaper and no heavy blankets. They can over heat. (Try not to make this a habit but if it works for you then keep doing it.) Once baby starts waking up more in your bed that means its time to move her to the crib.
-Try this for about a month 

2-4 Months Tip:
-Feed the crap out of baby. No barfing though.
-Bath time! They love it now right?!
-Baby should be in crib by now. A good way to make that switch and find a soft t-shirt, sleep in for a few days, put it in crib and lay baby on top! (mmmmm I smell mommy) if you are breastfeeding save the breast pads (cloth) that have leaked milk and put those in crib... yea it works wonders!!!
-Intro to the plug... or pacifier if your child is a huge sucker. If they go to sleep but spit the plug out and wake up... no plug... its just making sleep time worse.
-Keep that rhythm, always eating, same time of day they are "in bed" even if they aren't sleeping, rocking them to sleep or whatever, keep doing it at the same time of day. 
-You will still be getting up to feed but it should be a lot less.
-If they are still getting up a lot at 4 months... next step :]

5-8 Months Tip:
-Solids help!! Keep feeding!!
-Bath time! Make it fun, make it long, every night at about the same time.
-If your baby still isn't sleeping... Now is the hard part. You need to put them down in their crib...CRIB SHOULD BE OUT OF THE YOUR ROOM... and close the door and DON'T OPEN IT.
-Don't open it. They are fine. They are at the age now that they know you have not left them for good! I promise. 
-They WILL SCREAM for about 1-2 1/2 hours. Then it will be silent. They have gone to sleep!!!
-But your ears are bleeding and you feel horrible. WELL DON'T YOU NEED YOUR SLEEP. If you don't get sleep you are at much higher risk of getting sick, postpartum depression can start to creep in! You need sleep in order to take care of your baby and yourself.
-So go outside and shut the door and wait till baby is asleep.
-Do this till baby sleeps through the night!! (About 2-3 days) It can very for each baby. 

Sleep Tip:
-You need sleep and baby really really needs sleep to grow and develop. Lack of sleep can lead to complications... look it up if you don't believe me! But sleep is very important for weight gain, brain development, relaxing, pretty much everything!

If your still having trouble getting that little one to sleep. Or maybe you have older kiddos and want to know more about sleeping tips! Contact me on Facebook and we can get to the bottom of it!!


Friday, August 14, 2015

iPhone from hell.

In the past couple of years I think I've had about 10 phones. That includes stupid phones and smart phones. I've always been an Apple person and when the iPhone came out I can't wait to get my hands on it. I never had a 3G but my first iPhone was the 4.

I love iPhone. I the operating system is so user friendly its insane! And the look and feel of the phone its beyond words. 


You see I did something stupid and got rid of my iPhone 4S and upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy... I liked it I didn't love it. I had it for a couple of months and then ditched it because I missed iPhone and needed that awesomeness that only Apple can give.

Well I bought an iPhone 4S on eBay. Because I didn't want to give up an arm since I didn't have an upgrade.

This phone is hell.

I'm not sure if it's because it's from eBay or because it's old who the hell knows! All I know is I could now work for Apple (again) and be a genius bar person because I've taken it apart so many times!!! 
I've gotten so many replacement parts it's not even funny!!

I would be up ALL night trying to put tiny screws into the smallest of holes! Then miss placing parts and all together forgetting to put parts back in! Ahhh it was hell! I had to replace the screen, it cracked. The directions where so confusing but I finally figured out that I needed to take EVERYTHING out of the iPhone, take the front off and then replace the screen with a new one. Putting everything back together while trying to be gentle was very much like having a razor scooter hit the side of your ankle. IT HURTS.

But it's working at lot better then when I first got it. The only problem I'm having now is it doesn't make any sound... yea pretty crappy right?

So my next replacement will be the docking system because that's what I read on the internet and the internet is always right.... right??

But besides all these issues I'm still in love with my iPhone! Yeahhh I could just upgrade to the 6 or whatever it's called and be done with all these replacements. But this iPhone from hell, I feel like we are totally connected. I'm nursing it back to health and once I get this last part in it will be like it just came out of the store! (I hope!)

When you love something you never give up right?



Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Watermelon Babies!

I was looking around for some ideas for my first mini session! My very first, yes! I came across this picture with a few others and thought.. HEY! I love watermelon and so does my son...
Why not do a Watermelon mini session!!!??

So I said, August you are going to be WATERMELON MONTH! Each month I will have a theme for you that comes with at least one mini session. I'm going to try it for a couple of months, see if it catches on. I'm REALLY excited for this months Watermelon session!!!

Here's what the mini session will be all about:

        I will be supplying the watermelon and watermelon like outfits for mom's that would like it!
I will also be having a gathering in my awesome field where these mini sessions will be taking place! I want to get a group photo that you will get FREE as a 8x10 print!!!


August 29th at noon
Watermelon Mini session fee: $300 for 10-20 photos

To sign up please go here!
For more info visit my website! 

Hope to see you all there!!! 

Kimberly Jarest

Your Beginnings Photography

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Baby Butts!

The butt. The booty, bum, pooper, bumper, um... yup you get the idea!

But baby butts. They are really really cute! Right!? 

So cute!! The leg chub and the belly rolls mix that and their cute butt!

In the tub and around the house, they get to an age where the diaper won't stay on and the clothes are left around the house. NUDE. Is how you find them. 

Look at this cuties butt. And the boots! WOW! It's only baby butt that make you want to see them... well maybe when you were in high school you wanted to Johnny Depp's butt... ehhh I would still rather see a babies butt. 

Soft and cute!! Hey I'm no freak your thinking it too! Next time you see a babies butt you will know what I mean! Check out some of these!!

OKAY... the chows are just way to fluffy not to put in there!

Have a butt night!!


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Birthing at...home.

A lot of people think home birth is something that was done way back when, in the fields of someone farm with the horses and goats watching. Or they think you are into witch craft or something and lastly they just fear the idea of home birth.

All of these are true. Way back when you did have your baby in the barn. There was tragedy. But there also was a lot of love and babies being born that way.

I didn't have a home birth because I wanted to have the goats watching me. I had a home birth because I feel safe and comfortable in my own home then I ever would giving birth in a hospital. I'm scared to give birth in a hospital.

Hospitals are not bad.
I still go when I'm sick.
My son goes to all his check ups and has had all his shots so far. Hospitals are very important. We need them for illness and injury. But there's one problem with what everyone is taught about the hospital, how the hospital tells us it's the only way to have a safe birth. "This is just how you do it."

You aren't given options during birth. Yea sure you can write a birth plan. Has anyones ever really worked out? Not really. Most of the time you get scared and listen to the DR. Like you should right? The DR is always right...right? Most of the time they are...

Why do you go to the hospital? Your sick or have an injury right?

Are you sick with the: pregnant?
Are your injuries: pregnant?


Pregnancy is not an illness. Pregnancy is supposed to happen. Birth is supposed to be tough. Birth is supposed to hurt. But you are not supposed to suffer during childbirth. Its supposed to be hard, yes. But your not supposed to suffer.

Movies, books, magazines, hospitals, all make childbirth look so painful, so horrible, they put so much fear! So much blood and screaming. Maybe your saying, wait that all happened to me thats how birth is!! All my girlfriends did that! Then we all had a c-section and then we had a second... thank god we don't have to go through that pain again!!
Or maybe, hey! Wait I had a great birth at the hospital! Congrats! It should be that way too! I'm happy you did. Wasn't it wonderful?

Right? That's what your thinking.

Here's what I think.
Wouldn't it be great if your experience was tough but you felt empowered after it. What if before you had your baby there was a place,a group or books! (there are books) that told you about ALL your options to give birth? Would you go? Would you read?

Would you go? To learn about childbirth how its meant to be taught? Not instilling fear. Just facts, stories, encouragement, love, understanding, breastfeeding, OPTIONS!

I would go!

My home birth was the best experience I have ever had. It was hard, it had its painful moments. I did make some load noises. And my son came out just fine and I was just fine as well. My labor was only 6 hours long. I wasn't fearful of my body giving birth. I knew that my mind didn't know how to do this but my body did so I trusted my body. I had a strong support of women and my husband with me. My midwife never treated me like I was stupid or that she knew best. I was also very healthy and fit the profile for having a home birth which is very important. Not just anyone can. Your midwife will decide if you are healthy and a good fit for home birth.

I also knew that I wanted that feeling of giving birth without medication. I knew it was the best for my son and me. The best for breastfeeding and postpartum. I knew it was supposed to be tough but it was right to go through it.

I don't want you to feel that your birth was wrong. It wasn't, I love hearing everyone birth story regardless! (Please tell me!!) I just want you to know that you have options. It can be awesome!! It's not supposed to be horror movie! Education is huge. Advocating for yourself and your baby!

My husband had he worries, like he should! But once I had my son and he experienced his first home birth he loved it! He felt that he was more a part of the birth then he could have been at the hospital! He talks about it all the time!

Home birth or not look into your options for everything. You never know what you might find!

Kimberly Jarest
Your Beginnings Photography 

Tell me about your birth story!       E-mail    Facebook Message

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sleep! or not to sleep?

Most parents go through this, are still going through it... It's when the day comes to an end. After bath time and pjs have been put on. After a story or a little spongebob. It's time for the babies to go to bed. 

Newborn: This was probably the worst time you had putting your baby to bed. Or it was the best (darn you!) If it was the worst, that was because you had no idea what you were doing and you were running off of 2-3hours of sleep! Here's what happened. Screaming from baby. Crying from mom. Totally normal and it will pass. (I promise) if you were one of those parents who's newborns slept fine, F off. (Just kidding your time will come) 

Toddler: this stage is by far the hardest because they can walk and talk and they just come into your room or jump and smash into the side of the crib so hard you think it's coming through the floor!! You keep saying nope it's bedtime go to bed.. You hate it you just want time alone to watch junk on TV and check Facebook 14 times!!! But they have other plans. The best is when they are sleeping and you walk upstairs and smell poop and relize, shit! They shit their diaper or peed the bed! Now I have to wake them, or now they are awake! 

Sleeping is hard for babies, toddlers and little kids. They have trouble winding down. Getting infants into a rythem, not schedule helps a lot. Start the rythem as soon as possible. And make sure they eat, having a full tummy helps. Keeping that rythem will help babies and children  know what to expect. Infants do know what's going on they just can't speak so crying is their way of talking. 

Find your families rythem and start it soon. Bedtime will be hard sometimes but it should t be all the time. 


New Beginnings Photography 
To learn more about my photography and it's cause email me at:

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The many faces, or butts, of poop in a mothers day.

As a stay at home mom, you see a lot of poop. If you have a newborn you see even more poop, but if you have a toddler you see bigger poops. 

When your an exclusively breastfeeding mom you see yellow seedy poop that makes you think... Woah his little hole must be burning! If I had poop like that I would freaking out! It's also runny as hell. And the blow out are the worst thing besides nails on a chalkboard. 

If you just experienced the poop of a first time fed solid foods baby, WOW the smell in that diaper is so bad that you gag and see stars! Oh wait you can't see anything because the stink is burning your eyes!

Maybe you have an older child and the poop you get is the kind they pick up. The solid brown, with an occasional seed kind of poop. It doesn't really smell until you put their hands near your face or they stick the poop in your face!

Then there's the poop situations...

Your in target looking for a good distracting book to read so you can remember your old life! (Check out the target favorites! I've about read them all!) Your child gets that poop face and you then start to smell it. OH NO! It's the up their back and in his/her eyes poop! You act normal, and try not to cause a panic and have people running out of target thinking the septic blew. 
Once you get to the bathroom it's everywhere. You notice the trash and throw away every piece of clothing your child is wearing. The amount of wipes you use is.... the whole darn pack! Once his/her butt is shiny and the poop is safely in the trash you exit and hope know one you know saw you and decides it's okay to come over and chat. Then you look down and see poop all over the side of your thumb.

Or maybe you had an experience with animal poop and your child. They love dog poop... I'm not sure why but they see it and B-LINE IT over! Your having a great outdoor cookout with friends and family and you look over and your child is about to put dog poop into his/her mouth. NO! NO! YUCK! STOP! AHH!!! You run over and "save" your child just in time. Screaming or crying happens as you tell them, firmly, no you can't eat poop it's dirty! Don't touch. You remove your child and notice that you now have to pick up the poop some how so she/he doesn't come by for another look. EEEHHHHHHHHH. If it's your dog you kick yourself/husband for not cleaning it up! If it's your mother-in-laws house you curse under your breath... god dammit..!... 

But we still love our children no matter what kind of poop comes out of their butts! 

"Capturing your day, capturing your pregnancy, capturing your newborn"


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Reality check... The Internet.

Lets pretend that the "Internet" is a person. This is what we would all say to her... or him...


I just want to look at my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.. without you fucking everything up. HELLO!!??? ARE YOU EVEN ON!!


Why are you so slow ALL the time? We can go to the moon and the depths of the ocean but we can't have internet that works!???? Why aren't you doing your job!

Here's how it goes, I'll just tell you, bitch.

So, I go to log onto my computer to do some very important work for my job. First of course I look at my Facebook to relieve the wonder of what other people are doing even though I don't give a shit. But I look anyway and usually INTERNET you are fine and everything works out. Then I go to log into my website or some system that I need for work... BAM CRASH DING ZIP TITS FUCK!!!!!


I now can't do anything because the screen is still loading and then freezes and I can't even get out of that without force quitting and you ask me THAT STUPID FUCKING QUESTION about "do I want to send or ignore??" I always ignore but you don't have the decency to put a check box for "never ask this again."

Why can't you just work all the time and be nice and fast? Why can't you be free everywhere? Why can't I figure out how to fucking update my software? Why can't this just be easy.

I hate you internet and I love you. 
Don't even get me started about cell phone service.

Hey guys! I've switched to posting blogs/newsletters every 2 weeks. :] Give me an idea for a reality check for next time!! 

check out my fresh website! 
Want to talk photography? Email me: 


Monday, June 15, 2015

Rainy Morning

It's nice to wake up some mornings and see rain. I feel like it gives us all something in common for that day. "Well I guess we just relax today and do things inside." If your working then it makes it okay to be inside all day or traveling in a car. You feel like your not missing out. 

Rain also makes the day slow down a bit. They way we move and get things done sea a bit slower then if it was a nice sunny day. 

Then is the sound of rain. The soft drops hitting the roof and grass. The smell of the earth being wet. The flowers bursting with color from their little drink! It's chilly but not cold enough to cause a feeling of winter. 

Enjoy the rain of you can and left that up of coffee this morning be lava! Happy raining! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Keepsake Event Scrapbooking by Lynne!

Alright everyone I'm taking a step! Well, more like an addition or connection...? I'm not sure what you would call it... BUT I'm now connected with Keepsake Event Scrapbooking by Lynne! 

Okay so before you click on the link let me tell you a little bit about it! I've been wanting to give me clients MORE, a lot more then just beautiful photographs. Granted I LOVE doing that and won't ever stop unless I'm burned by a flying burning rock or something. But, this isn't something that I do. It's someone/something that I'm connected with. That means that once you and I are done with our special time you can then move onto Lynne for your handmade scrapbook!

Yes, they are all handmade by her! All 24-40 pages of them! You get to give her all the themes and options you want! There will be more colors for the albums coming soon! 

I'm very excited about this because it means that I'm progressing that I'm giving my clients the best of the best. I want them to have the high quality photographs and why not also have a unique way of displaying and keeping all those photographs!!?? So take a little peek at my website for more info and on her new Facebook page

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Reality Check... In the Doctors Office

I hope that last weeks blog was awesome for you. This week I'm doing another reality check. 
The Doctors Office.

Everyone hates going to the doctor. We all have that fear of going in for a simple check out and coming out with Mad cow or something horrible. The waiting room is probably the worst place on earth... besides the dentist chair.

The number one rule of the doctor office is to check in. 

But a lot of people seem to have an issue with this. People who need to check in and people who work the check in window. They always ask you the same 10 questions and most of the time you want to say... LOOK nothing has changed just get me the hell out of here!! 

But there can sometimes be a line... Because someone hasn't done their research or is trying to by pass some insurance payment. Here's your reality check...

Holding up the doctors line is NOT ok. Call if you have a question!! When people go to the DR's no matter how many people are or aren't in the waiting room you ALWAYS have to wait! EVEN IF YOUR BLEEDING OUT! (go to ER) So DON'T hold up the darn line when we haven't even checked in to get the ball rolling! Because once 3 more people come in behind me/us we are ready to infect you with some illness that we have or will get just to get rid of you!

Make sure you bring all the shit you need. "...ooooohhh I forgot my insurance card..." NO NO NO NO!! YOU KNEW YOU WERE COMING GET IT TOGETHER! Because once that lady behind the window gets mad we all have a bad day.

The people behind the window can also be VERY frustratingly SLOW.
Really it's taking you this long to find my name! If you say you think you have ring worm or hives and they look at you like... I'M SORRY ARE YOU THE DR??? Just look back with... I'M SORRY DO YOU LIVE IN THE BODY? DO YOU KNOW WHOM YOUR DEALING WITH? I COULD GIVE YOU THIS "ILLNESS" IF YOU LIKE. Sometimes no words is better. 

Once the nurse finally calls your name and strip down for God knows why.... "I didn't say I had a problem with my legs... butt..." You still have to wait another 10-15 minutes just for the DR to come in for 6 minutes and tell you what you already knew or what you were fearing or that you have nothing to worry about go home and drink water. 

Thanks for all the waiting.... 

So remember get in get out. CALL if you have a question, bring ALL shit, know YOUR body and don't hold up the darn lines. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Reality Check in the... Supermarket!

So I'm going to switch gears entirely and go on a more... silly and not so business like blogging... blog. Please read on because you will be highly amused!

Reality check in the supermarket. 

Okay, everyone has to go food shopping. Unless you live on the Alaska show and you hunt for your meals... you are at the supermarket once or twice a week. If you go anymore then that... you need a reality check. (But that's for another time)
When you get out of you vehicle and head to the ENTRANCE, please head toward that sign... there is a REASON that sign was put there. SO the people coming out, the people who want to get the hell out of there and eat the damn food, can actually GET OUT OF THE STORE WITHOUT BUMPING INTO YOU. Use the signage please!
Now, when your getting your cart this is not the damn time to be checking in your purse for God knows what! If you do this you have now become that VERY annoying person who is in the way of EVERY CART! You see a cart, pick it and zoom OUT OF THE WAY. This allows the next person get their cart without having to wait for your ass to move. If you need to get your list you do this... GET CART, MOVE OUT OF WAY (sidelines) MAKE SURE YOU NOT IN THE WAY, then check your purse for shit you don't need.

Once you are in the store you begin to shop. This part is always hard for some people. I don't understand why, seeing as you come EVERY WEEK so you should have it figured out by now! But most people do this or have done it. (I have never done this, I'm Jesus.) 
So, your shopping and your going up and down the lanes looking and picking out the foods that want. You a list, remember? But in almost EVERY lane you stop... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE to look at what your buying, check your list, or just stopping! I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENS. God knows why you stopped but your blocking the damn lane and the person behind you (me) almost gooses your ass with their cart!! 
Please, if you going to stop... PULL OVER TO AS FAR AS YOU CAN GO!! Do not stop in the MIDDLE of the lane!

Oh and everyone seems to move as slow as glacier... in the supermarket. NO! That is not good enough! YOU HAVE A LIST. It should be in and out! None of this free birdin it to the supermarket!! 

But the worst of ALL, the worst! Is when you get that one lady, or man, usually it's a lady who every time you go to the next lane she is there. And every time you see her you have to smile AGAIN. And almost say in your head... ha ha hi! isn't this funny?! NO! it's not funny. It's very annoying!! 

So please remember these rules:


When shopping in the lanes, DON'T STOP, EVER, if you must pull over, WAY OVER!

Use the damn signs

Leave people the hell alone!

Okay well, have a good shopping day!

Oh this is my New Logo! What do you think???

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Progression! Gardening?

Hello everyone,

This week has been very productive and fun! I'm learning so much from this program that I can't even believe it's happening. First, my marketing has been taken to the sky is the limit route. And my website is just about done. I'm learning a lot about myself too, how to focus my time and energy. I get distracted a lot try and focus on 1,938,902 things at once! Which in the long run,  makes my work not come out the way I want it too. But this program is really helping me SEE where I need to put my efforts and how I need to do that. My time is now blocked out and I'm able to figure out what I should be doing to make things go a lot faster even though I'm taking little steps! But enough shop talk. I think I'm going to turn this blog on a its side today!

So, besides being a full-time photographer! A new hobby of mine is gardening. I have 2 going right now that badly need watering! Like, really bad! I'm hopping they don't die on me. I just replanted them from my old house. I have some plants that are from last year, but seeing as I'm NEW to gardening I going annual plants and they all but a few, meaning 2, didn't come back this year. My rose bush did! So I needed more flowers and what a cheaper way of getting them at my old house! I didn't just walk up with a shovel and start ripping at their garden... I would have done that but my family called the tenants and they said of course come by! YAya!

It's a flower garden if you haven't been following...

I also have a tree that I need to plant but want to find the perfect spot! I love gardening, the smell of the flowers and picking out where and what ones you want! The only thing I can't deal with is the snakes!!!!! EW! NOPE NOPE HATE SNAKES! They are very evil and like to scare the crap out of me when I'm watering. That's the reason why my flowers are a little dry... I don't want to see another snake.... But I need to water them because I don't want them to die, BUT I don't want to pass out from seeing a snake.

And... we have like, 23204879475 snakes here because no one wants to kill them when they see them! But that is soon changing seeing as I will be doing the killing once I get my hands on a good hoe.


Don't forget mother's day discount is still going on!! 25% off!
Like on Facebook!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mothers Day Weekend!

*Don't forget about my Mother's Day discount! Don't worry you haven't missed it; it's still going on through the WHOLE month of MAY!*

25% off a photo session! If you just got engaged or having a baby or just had a baby! You are treated to 25% off that session! Book now!

I hope that everyone had a beautiful Mother's Day! I think this holiday is one of the better ones! We should take some time and thank our mothers and be thankful that we are mothers. This Mother's Day was my first! So, it was/is a special time for me! My mother-in-law got me a beautiful plant to start my garden off this year. My husband and I are going out Friday to celebrate! The weather was also beautiful which made the day even better for me!

I think being in the US we don't have many rights of passage in our culture. A lot of other countries throw parties for events that we don't think much off. And they go all out! But here we don't have these big rights of passage, we don't celebrate them like other countries do. Mother's Day should be a big day! So should fathers day! Just your 1st one. Not everything single one because that could get pricey! But! Celebrating you taking care of your family and starting your family! Thats big beans!!! Go you! Go me!

Anyway, I hope that your Mother's Day was grand and make sure not to forget Father's Day too!

I went to my info session in MA and it went great! I think that it is something I really want to get into the network my biz.... But it did have a lot of DO's that won't fit in with my schedule. My family is first! But I know it's something I need to look more into! ( check it out!)

It's wedding season so lets sit down and have some tea or ice cream!! And chat about your big day!! Kimberly Ann Photography  

                                    Like me on Facebook!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


You know when your worried, everything that you planned to do goes right out the window? I mean you can't think of what you were going to do because your worried?

That's me right now.


Can't remember a thing.

I had this great blog idea that I getting all excited about for most of the day! But now I can't think of it because something else is worrying me. It's not a big deal, really, I'm just a mother so anything that has to do with my child worries me. 

But I do remember that I wanted to tell you all, that I'm planning to send out these blogs at least 2 twice a week. I feel once isn't enough when I keep posting the link... But if you feel it's too much or not enough please let me know!

I have a pretty busy week. Tomorrow I wan't to get all if not most of module #1 done! My "office" is all set up, which feels much better! It's not a huge wooden desk that some president owned, it's just a simple desk... an art desk... that has a printer and my trusty mac book pro. It could use a better chair... but that's not that important. All my clients have their own slot in my binder and pretty soon I want to get them all onto my computer! Go paperless! But I need an iPad to do that... some day! That's tomorrow!

But Friday is going to be very exciting!! I'm going to a Visitors Day for the Merrimack Valley Referral Chapter. I friend of mine saw that I'm getting my biz back up and running and said they are looking for a photographer. I guess they do a lot of networking! Which is perfect! This will be mainly information and giving out my biz card, (which I spiffed up) and meeting the other people involved. Its great how things can fall into place! 

I'm hopping this really opens some doors for me.

This weekend I'm planning to rest. Seeing as I think I'm getting a cold and I'm going to a baby expo on Saturday. Those are awesome! I always find great products and home made items for my son. All natural is the way to go! I'm hoping the lady with the awesome bibs is there! Ask me about them if your interested! They are THE BEST BIBS EVER!

I would LOVE some feedback on my blogging so please leave a comment.. or 2!

Don't forget my mothers day discount (25%off) is going on and to sign up for my newsletter!

Happy evening! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

A day in the sun

This is my first day on the photography packet and I'm out enjoying the sun! Don't worry I did a good chunk this morning! 

Relaxing is important. It gives us time to think and regroup. I use it to go over stuff within my business. I also have a juciey magazine and some strawberries! 

Photography is a way I express myself. A way I relieve stress. (Don't worry this will be short and sweet) 
But that's not how I want my photography to be now. It's my career. Yes it gives me joy, but I need to find a new stress release.

And I think I have! Sitting in the sun with a magazine, tanning and enjoying the birds! 

So go out and find your stress relief! Enjoy your summer! Live a little! Relax a little! 

Kimberly Ann Photography  

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Laundry List

Still on week 4! And my "laundry list" is getting BIG! It's a good thing though, it means everything is moving in the right direction. I got my business packet to really get my photography biz running HOT. I also got it so ON SALE that it's not even funny! $700 originally and I got it for... $199. Yea I know, I know. Some how things just work out. Things are meant to be!

I literally have laundry to do, my sons to be exact! He's only 9 months so he's not there yet to be washing and folding his own clothes. He's supposed to be napping at the moment, but I'm hearing a lot of mouth noises and cooing coming from upstairs. He must be talking to his little hedgehog!

Back to my biz though... I'm almost done with my website and my Facebook page just needs one more fix and then its golden! But everything is viewable and I'm still looking for clients and booking shoots! So don't think that you need to wait!

Mothers day is coming up so keep your eyes open for a discount!!!

Wedding season is also right around the corner and I'm so excited to be part of everyones special day!

The biz packet that I got for $199... I haven't even gotten to take a peek at it! I've been so busy with all the other marketing they were having me do that was free. So, I'm very excited to see what this packet will teach me! Photography was a career and always a dream of mine because I never knew where to start. But this program and this CEO Alicia Caine have really helped motivate me to work hard. My husband as well is a huge supporter of this biz. We have a small family now but soon we want to have a bigger family which means we need to be bringing in more cheese! We also don't want our child/children to be in daycare, so I'm a stay at home mom. But that doesn't pay sadly, so making my photography into a career is perfect for us! Being my own boss and having my own hours are great. As much as it is hard to get things done with a baby around... it means a lot more to me that my children are being raised at home by their parents.

We are also trying really hard to go green in our house as the earth is very important to us. We are starting a little at a time. Last year for heat we only used our wood stove and it was great! We saved a lot of money and it saves oil!

I'm very family oriented and I want my business to be that way! I am concentrating most of my efforts on being a family photographer, babies, pregnancy, birth photos, birthdays, ect. Because that's who's important to me and that who my client is. But I will still be doing what I started out as a wedding and engagement photographer.

Oh and I got my newsletter going so please send me your email to sign up!!! When you sign up you get a discount! 

Kimberly Ann Photograpy Facebook Page!

Summer is almost here! I would love to hear from you about whats important to you and what does family mean to you?

Monday, April 27, 2015

Starting and Stopping 1st Blog Post!

Something happened to my first post so here it is! This was posted 4 Weeks ago...

Don't even bother reading this blog. For this is my first entry and its sure to be bird poop! I'm not even sure what it should say but I know what it should be about. Photography! Oh who gives a rats butt about that!? Well I freaking do! And it's going to become a career if Jesus comes down and gives us bread and freaking wine again! If you have made it this far I would like to thank you and ask you to please read on. I also would allow you at this time to get up and get a nice hot cup of tea or coffee because it's almost the weekend and you freaking deserve it!!



I started becoming interested in photography when my parents got our first Dell computer and it came with a free digital camera. It was a fat looking camera with a very small screen on the back but I pretty much looked and it and decided that it was mine and I would take it. 

I took it outside and just started snapping photos of flowers, stone pigs and other odd things I found lying out in the sun. I then figured out on my own how to upload the photos I had taken and started to edit them on our new Dell computer. The heavens parted at once of course and I knew this was my calling! They may even have been drums in the back ground! Needless to say I couldn't stop using the camera and putting more and more pictures on to our family computer that I crashed the hard drive completely. 

Yes. It was very upsetting.

I did have a lot of my photos printed so I didn't loose all of them but most.

High school came and went and I did lots of photography for friends, family, strangers, creepers and mostly for myself! College came and went as well. My photography wasn't really a business, at least I haven't treated it that way until now. I thought of it as a hobby. But its not that anymore its a career. 

But then I stopped. Well life started to happen for me. 2 year without picking up my cameras and closing one eye and pushing my shutter button. My camera was very hurt and didn't speak to me for a long time. I punished him by not charging his battery for weeks. He did a lot of sleeping...

I then had a home birth.

Yes you read that correct. I gave birth at home.

No I'm not a witch. No I don't wear a grass skirt.
No I love TV. Yes I like eating healthy food. Yes I like soda
I wanted a home birth yes.
We had a midwife.
My husband loved it as well.

My sons name is not a tree or brook or something else odd.

Anyways now we know that. Hows that hot drink?

So my business is starting up again! I'm a photographer again! *bells*

Check out my Facebook page and keep coming back for other odd blogs or don't and be a freaking butt hole. But I can promise you, it will be an experience. 

Kimberly Ann Photography Facebook

~Kimberly Ann Photography

Week 4?

Yes, I think its been 4 weeks! Well, I'm going to say that it has been. 

This week will be a little slower because I don't have clients and its mainly just me fixing my website and getting more hits on my Facebook page. Facebook is very interesting. We think that we know how it works. But we don't, not even close! I've been doing a lot of research on it with this program I'm doing. (Profit First Photography!) And Facebook has a lot of rules and guild lines that it follows to make posts be seen or not seen by people. 

I thought that you posted something and everyone saw it and you got to choose who saw it and such. NO! You post something and depending on how many likes or comments you get Facebook chooses where to put it in the newsfeed and how long its there and who sees it. Very interesting! For a small biz like myself... Knowing the ins and outs of Facebook really helps! But websites help a lot too. They bring a more professional side to things. I also figured out my purpose statement!

"I provide natural, professional and a high quality experience for the passionate family, to create memorable and unique photographs for the working and passionate family."
 -Kimberly Ann Photography

But my next big fence to climb over is to get my desk and work station cleaned... My photography/art desk isn't even in my home! I need to go and snag it and then clean up my nook that I will be doing all my blogging, editing, Facebooking, and emailing to my clients! But I can't even get the desk in the nook until everything is clean out and put away nice and neat like. This could and probably will take awhile since I have a 9 month old son who loves to get into pretty much anything. ( As babies love to do this) He is a grand little boy though! He likes seeing what mommy is doing with her computer and papers. He helps me by... eating important papers or wrinkling them. He gets into something yards away making it so I have to run over and get him. He's not a sitter and he's mover! He also likes helping by smashing his hands on my computer when I'm not 100% watching while he's in my lap. But he is my little honey bear and I love him to death!!

I would love to hear some of your ideas if you haven't already looked at my Facebook page or website (which is still being edited) Any feedback is good feedback because I want to grow from my mistakes and accomplishments! Wish me luck on cleaning! Kimberly Ann Photography Facebook

Oh!!! May is right around the corner or keep an eye out for a discount coming up!!!